Thanks for being part of the Sarah Fay-thful!

I had a great time talking to you about building your creative career, and I’d love to continue the conversation with you inside my publication.

The Author Stack sits at the intersection of craft and commerce, helping writers build more sustainable businesses that allow them to thrive while creating work that lights them up inside. We strive to give authors agency in a world that too often seems intent on stripping it away from them.

If that’s something that resonates with you, then I’d love for you to become a subscriber. I think it’s a great compliment to the incredible work that Sarah is doing.

There is one problem with joining as a free subscriber, though, because most of my work is hidden behind a paywalI. I release everything for free initially, but after three weeks it is only accessible to paid members.

While you can read some great pieces even without even subscribing, articles like Where to invest your time and money when building an audience for your writing, How to use technology and productivity hacks to reclaim your time for things that matter, How to fall in love with book marketing, How to use Substack sections to strengthen your backlist and give subscribers even more value, and dozens more are inaccessible to you.

That doesn’t seem fair, since we just met and (hopefully) had a great time hanging out together.

While you could sign up for a free 7-day trial and access everything for a short time, one week is probably not enough time to read all my articles (which are usually somewhere between 3,000-5,000 words each). I can do better.

On top of that, there’s one more reason you absolutely want access to my archives.

I have over a dozen free books available to read only for paid members, including all three of my non-fiction books, How to Become a Successful Author, How to Build Your Creative Career, and This is NOT a Book.

These books have helped launch hundreds of careers over the years, and they are usually $10 each on retailers, but members get to read them for free.

Plus, if you love fantasy, you’ll be able to access a ton of my fiction books and comics, including The Godsverse Chronicles, The Vessel, Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter, Worst Thing in the Universe, The Void Calls Us Home, Sorry for Existing, The Marked Ones, My Father Didn't Kill Himself, Pixie Dust, Katrina Hates the Dead, Anna and the Dark Place, Black Market Heroine, Invasion, Gumshoes. How NOT to Invade Earth, Gherkin Boy and the Dollar of Destiny.

That's over $170 in value if you bought them on my webstore, and almost all of these books are exclusive to Substack and my store. You can’t find most of these books on retailers.

Usually, I charge $50/yr for my Substack, and as a rule I don’t offer discounts, but just for you, since you’re already a valuable member of Sarah’s audience, I will happily break my own rule and give you the opportunity to get a full month of my Substack for free.

Get 30 day free trial

Or, if you are ready to dive in with both feet, then you can get 40% off a yearly membership forever.

Get 40% off forever

On top of all those benefits, paid members get access to my legendary courses How to Build an Audience from Scratch, 10x Your Productivity, and Write a Great Novel, along with the archive of my 200-episode podcast, The Complete Creative.

That’s an additional $60 in value.

Fortune favors the bold, though, so I’m only able to offer this discount for a short time. This offer will expire on July 31st, which should give you plenty of time to look around, see if it’s your jam, and make a decision.

Either way, I hope you’ll at least become a free subscriber because I have a lot of neat articles launching in the next couple of weeks. I had a great time hanging out with how.

Look forward to seeing you around the Stackiverse and welcoming you as a paid member into my community.

P.S. - I do offer hardship scholarships. Send an email to help at wannabepress dot com and we can see if you qualify.