The Author Stack
Lessons and lectures
Do you like girls that kick butt or psychological mindscrews

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Do you like girls that kick butt or psychological mindscrews

Today we’re going to do something fantastically different. A good friend of mine how I pitch my material and sell so much. We sell a lot at shows. We sell more at shows than anybody else around us by a massive amount, and now I’m going to show you exactly how I do it.

In order to do this, you have to know a little bit about how our table works. Right now we have two main books at the front of our table: Katrina Hates the Dead is on one side. Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter is on the other. Katrina is like Buffy on steroids. Ichabod is like Johnny The Homicidal maniac with color. Behind Katrina I put Gherkin Boy, the book I write and draw about a pickle. Behind Ichabod I put my first novel My Father Didn’t Kill Himself, which is a psychological YA thriller. All of this is on a bright green clothes with our Wannabe Press logo on it. On one side of the green, but not touching it, you have our all ages books.

All of this is intentional to move the eye around the table. The books up front are …

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The Author Stack
Lessons and lectures
During my time hosting The Complete Creative podcast, I recorded a segment called Hard Lessons, which were the rawest lessons I learned told close to when I learned them.